The Cauldryn Coffee quickly pays for itself

in Cauldryn Heated Temperature Control Mug Blog

  We love the fact that high quality coffee is available almost everywhere.  Gone are the days of  5 cent gas station rot gut brew.   Of  course there are times when you'll take what you can get,  but " what you can get"   these days is  often much better than it used to be.

But if you don't pay attention, your monthly coffee budget can  quickly exceed $100 a month.    Good coffee is often much cheaper to make at home. And with the Cauldryn Coffee,  the best and longest lasting heated travel mug, you can make your own delicious coffee and keep it warm all day long.   The fact that you'll save money in the long run is bonus.  Let's do the quick math.    A cup of decent coffee at  your local coffee chain is right around $2.50 after  sales tax.      We don't know about you  but we go through at least 2 cups a day.    So 2 cups a day  times an average of 21 working days in a month, and that comes out  to $105 a month, or $1260 a year. if you are buying your coffee at a local coffee shop.


$1260 a year on coffee, and that doesn't include any coffee you might buy on the weekends.  The Cauldryn Coffee sells for $129  and ships for free.   That's about  10% of an annual coffee budget of a twice a day coffee shop trip, and then you save money every single day.   As we have mentioned before, making a cup of coffee at home costs anywhere from 11-45 cents, depending on what type of coffee you  prefer.   But it doesn't take a math genius to see that you'll be saving  money every time you skip the barista.

Even if you still choose to get your coffee at a local coffee chain you'll still save every day.  A big cup is much cheaper than a large one  and the Cauldryn Coffee smart mug can be filled up  with 16oz of  coffee.   And of that 16oz, none of it will go to waste or be  finished off at room temperature.   Because  with the Cauldryn Coffee, you set temperature, and the Cauldryn will keep it at your pefect temp all day long